Tuesday, December 31, 2013


When I think of grapes 

I can see the littlest purple lumps

I can smell the secluded grapevine 

I can feel the joy of popping the little blobs into my mouth

I can taste the sweetness of the crunchy flesh

Stupid Things

I am old enough to do anything

I am young enough to do stupid things

How You Say It

I am old enough to say ‘No’

I am young enough to say ‘Fuck, I ain’t doing this shit.’

Off the Wagon

Hello cakes

Goodbye Atkins

Free 2.0

Hello freedom

Goodbye reservation


I wish I was a free person.

I wish I had no reservations.

I wish I could do anything I want.

And hide myself no more.

A Snowman

I wish I was a snowman.
I wish I had sun hovering above.
I wish I could melt quietly.
Leaving no trace of my superficial presence

Gloomy Day

It’s dark out there


But it’s okay

Inside this house
We’re safe