Wednesday, January 1, 2014


"Dancing Pen"

This pen is dancing

Twirling on the white surface

Creating a haiku


Far above the ground

He stood, watching quietly

Waiting for a prey


Massive army of

Soft, thick, swirling entity

Of wind’s beck and call


He sets off alone

Against the wind he goes on

Courage yet to torn

"Little Green"

Amongst the darkness

A new life sprouts on, bright green

The strong will to live

"Windy Day"

Wind blowing softly

Green leaves happily dancing

Nature’s symphony


So alone he stood there

Surrounded by sea of greens

A rock stands alone


Blue ripples surface

Away they slip, quietly

Trouts of dark grey hues

"Voice of Power"

He called, voice so hoarse

A warning for all others

Sign of his power

"Rain is Coming"

Its blue hue darken

The rumbling grew louder, signing

Teardrops of the sky

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